Useful Resources

Useful resources and supporting material as tutorials, training online and documentation are published in this section.

Nov 06, 2018

LIFE17 Kick-off meeting, ENV Air and Health

LIFE17 Kick-off meeting in Bruxelles was the occasion to each representatives of the ongoing life projects to present their work/proposal to the others and to discussion on policy relevance, continuation, replication, transfer & market uptake. The role of the External Monitoring Team (NEEMO) and the main challenges and opportunities around the life projects are considered too.
Sep 21, 2018

Kick-off meeting, 21 September 2018

The first meeting of the project was in Milan, at the Mario Negri Institute. During that occasion, each participant introduced himself and the team. IRFMN made a general introduction to the project and to the starting actions. The tools addressed in the project (AMBIT, Danish (Q)SAR database, VEGA and ToxRead) were described.