Title: Welcome Author: Emilio Benfenati, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche “Mario Negri” IRCSS and Eva Bay Wedebye, Technical University of Denmark. Content: Welcome and agenda
Title: Virtual Follow-up meetings/industry networking Author: Rodolfo Gonella Diaza, knoell Germany GmbH Content: Purpose and content
Title: LIFE Concert REACH project Author: Emilio Benfenati, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche “Mario Negri” IRCSS Content: Introduction
Title: Danish EPA past and recent experience with use of QSAR predictions Author: Rune Hjorth, Danish Environmental Protection Agency Content: Example of WoE use of (Q)SAR predictions
Title: The use of in silico predictions under REACH Author: Andrea Gissi, European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) Content: QSARs as adaptations to standard information requirements
Title: AMBIT Author: Nina Jeliazkova, Ideaconsult Ltd Content: Introduction and novelty generated in this project
Title: OCHEM Author: Igor V. Tetko, BIGCHEM GmbH and HelmholtzZentrum München (GmbH) Content: Introduction and novelty generated in this project
Title: VEGAHUB Author: Alberto Manganaro, KODE s.r.l Content: Introduction and novelty generated in this project
Title: Danish (Q)SAR Database Author: Eva Bay Wedebye and Nikolai Georgiev Nikolov, Technical University of Denmark Content: Introduction and novelty generated in this project
Title: Impact assessment Author: Paolo Manes, SC Sviluppo chimica S.p.A. Content: Cost-benefit analysis of "in silico tools" platform implementation - an Industry perspective
Title: What will be done from here in the project Author: Emilio Benfenati, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche “Mario Negri” IRCSS Content: “Work in progress” and perspectives
Title: Discussion Author: Andrea Gissi, European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)
Coordinating beneficiary
Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS, Milano, Italy;
Associated beneficiaries:
BigChem GmbH - Germany;
knoell Germany GmbH;
DTU - Denmark;
Kode s.r.l. - Italy;
Sviluppo Chimica S.p.A. - Italy
External supporting
Ideaconsult Limited Liability Company - Bulgaria;